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Professor, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia
Zurina Zainal Abidin
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H-index: 27
Total citations: 4321
10 selected publications
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Noor Amirah Abdul Halim, Zurina Zainal Abidin, M.S. Siajam, M.R. Harun, Chong, H.G. (2021). Optimization studies and compositional analysis of subcritical water extraction of essential oil from Citrus hystrix DC. leaves, Journal of Supercritical Fluid.
Zentou Hameed, Zurina Zainal Abidin, Robiah Yunus, Dayang Radiah Awang Biak, Mohammed Abdullah Issa (2021). Optimization and Modelling of the performance of polydimethylsiloxane for pervaporation of ethanol-water mixture, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 138(19), 50408. https://doi.org/10.1002/app.50408
Zentou Hameed, Zurina Zainal Abidin, Robiah Yunus, Dayang Radiah Awang Biak, Mohammed Abdullah Issa, Musa Yahaya Pudza (2021). A New Model of Alcoholic fermentation under byproducts inhibitory effect, ACS Omega, February 2021
Nurhaninah Harun, Zurina Zainal Abidin, Abdul Halim Abdullah, Rizafizah Othaman. (2020). Sustainable Jatropha Oil-based Membrane with graphene oxide for potential application in Cu (II) ions removal from aqueous solution. Processes, 8, 230, doi:10.3390/pr8020230 (IF1.963)
Musa Yahaya Pudza, Zurina Zainal Abidin, Faizah Md Yassin, Suraya Abd. Rashid, Shukri Mohamad, Mohamed Abdullah Issa (2020). Eco-friendly Sustainable Fluorescent Carbon Dots for the Adsorption of Heavy Metal ions in Aqueous Environment, Nanomaterials, 10, 315, doi:10.3390/nano10020315 (IF 4.034)
Abdul Latif, F.E., Zurina Z. Abidin, F. Cardona, D. R. Awang Biak, P.Md Tahir, K. Abdan, Kan E. Liew, (2019). Bioresin production ethylene unsaturated carbon from vegetable oil. Processes (2020,) 8(1) 48. (IF 1.96)
Mohamad Abdullah Issa, Zurina Zainal Abidin, Mohd Adzir Mahdi, Shafreeza Sobri, Suraya A Rashid, Nor Azowa. (2019). Highly fluorescent nitrogen doped carbon dots obtained from lignocellulosic waste and their multiple applications as a probe for selective detection of copper ions, fluorescent film and security ink, Nanomaterials, 9(10), 1500 (IF 4.034)
Zentou Hameed, Zurina Zainal Abidin, Robiah Yunus, D.R. Awang Biak, Danil Korelsky (2019). Review of alternative techniques for recovery of bioethanol in fermentation broth, Processess. 7, 458. (IF1.963)
Mahtab Samadi, Zurina Zainal Abidin, Robiah Yunus, Dayang Radiah Awang Biak, Eng Hai Lok, Lee. C.H. (2019) Subcritical water extraction of Essential Oil from Aquilaria Malaccensis Leaves, Accepted for publication. Separation Science and Technology. (IF:1.354)
Firdaus Kamuri, Zurina Zainal Abidin, Lee Hao Jun, Nurul Amziah, Mohd Haniff Yaacob, Mohd Nizar Hamidon, Suryani Kamarudin (2019). Performance evaluation of Free-Space Fibre Optic Detection in a Lab-on-Chip for Microorganism. Journal of Sensors. Article ID 1026905, Volume 2019. (IF: 2.024)
Zurina Zainal Abidin, Norhafizah Madehi, Robiah Yunus, (2017). Coagulative behavior of Jatropha curcas and its performance in wastewater treatment, Environmental Progress and Sustainability, 36(6), 1709-1718 (IF1.631)
Zurina Zainal Abidin, Fatin Nordalila Omar, Dayang Radiah Awang Biak, Yaakob Che Man (2016). Alternative for rapid detection and screening of pork, chicken and beef using dielectric properties in the frequency of 0.5 Ghz-50Ghz, International Journal of Food Properties, 19(5), (IF:1.586)
Zurina Z. Abidin, Ismail, N., Yunus, R., I.S. Ahamad, A. Idris. (2011), A preliminary study on Jatropha curcas as coagulant in wastewater treatment, Environmental Technology, 32(9), 971-977. (IF:1.606)

Isolation and purification of trehalulose from stingless bee honey, Geran Putra IPS, RM20K, 2023-2025
Elucidation of Microscopic Behaviour of Jatropha Oil Membrane, FRGS MOHE, RM115K, 2020-2022
Development of Bioresin from local Bioresources for Aerospace Applications, Matching Grant UPM, 144 K, 2015-2018
Development of Bioresin from Local Bioresources for Aerospace Applications, AMIC Industry Grant, 220 K, 2016-2019
Sustainable synthesis of fluorescent nitogen doped carbon dots from oil palm empty fruit bunch for selective detection of heavy metals in contaminated water, IPS UPM Grant, 2017-2019
Effective production anf recovery of bioethanol via integrated pervaporation membrane reactor, IPS UPM Grant 2016-2018
The use of virtual laboratory demonstrations to enhance laboratory teaching for undergraduate, GIPP Grant UPM/Teaching innovation, 2015-2017
Using subcritical water extraction for gaharu oil extraction, Geran Putra Berimpak, RM87 K, 2017-2019
Bioethanol Production modeling of Chaotic Behaviour, FRGS MOHE, 2013-2015
Identification of the bioactive coagulant compound in Jatropha curcas, FRGS MOHE, 2013-2015, RM155K
Pulsed Field DEP-FFF Integrated with optical detection on a biochip for biological applications, Escience Fund, RM305 K, 2012-2014
Identification and Discrimination of Halal and Non-halal products by dielectricF properties, Geran Putra, RM155 K, 2010-2012
Construction of artificial consortia of microorganism using dielectrophoresis for wastewater treatment, Escience Fund, RM 231 K, 2007-2010
Large Scale dielectrophoretic separation of microorganism using wire electrode by dielectrophoresis, Escience Fund, RM215 K, 2007-2010
Dielectrophoretic Separation of Cells using Microelectrodes, Geran Pensyarah Muda, RM10 K, 2006-2008
Coagulant Agent for Water Treatment, Patent Pending, Patent Number 2011700007
Operating and Maintenance Manual for Hybrid Aerobic-Sorbent-Membrane Application, PI 2019006570
Alternative technique using Dielectric Properties for Halal and Non-Halal Identification
Video as e-learning teaching tool for laboratory teaching for Sterilization Process in Biochemical Engineering
Video as e-learning teaching tool for laboratory teaching for Bioreactor in Biochemical Engineering
Junior Stem Chef – Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik melalui Masakan
A Hybrid System & Method For Treating Palm Oil Mill Effluent